
CS101 works alongside industry-leading experts, cutting-edge technology companies and high-quality education partners to provide the best possible learning experience and outcomes.

Industry Partners

We are proud to partner with some of the world’s most innovative technology companies and to ensure that this course provides learners with the skills necessary to succeed in the digital economy.

Further Education Pathways

CS101 prepares you for further study in Computer Science, Data Science and related disciplines at some of world’s most learner-centric higher education providers. Go in-depth and advance your career by enrolling in one of the online degrees or qualifications below.

OpenLearning Philosophy

CS101 is designed and delivered by OpenLearning, an online learning platform that goes beyond content delivery to focus on community, connectedness, and learner engagement.

Student empowerment

To foster deeper learning through intrinsic motivation

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Authentic, active learning experiences

Which go beyond publishing content

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Community and connectedness

To encourage sharing, build student rapport, and support collaboration

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Become a Partner

Interested in partnering with CS101? Get in touch.

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Prepare yourself for the future.

Learn the skills that world depends on. Enrol in CS101 today and start your journey.

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