
October 19, 2021

6 In-Demand Computer Science Skills to Boost Your Resume in 2022 [Infographic]


  1. Programming (C, Python)
  2. Computational Thinking
  3. Algorithms
  4. Testing and Debugging
  5. Microprocessors
  6. Professional practice and ethics

It's hard to ignore the mass adoption of digital technologies on nearly every aspect of our lives, especially in the future of work.

Today, over 30% of every job can be automated with existing technology — but studies have also shown that those who are willing to learn can harness technology to increase their productivity and advance their careers. If you're looking to level up in your current role, either within the tech or non-tech industry, there's no better time than right now to consider adding these must-have Computer Science skills.

Through CS101: Programming and Computational Thinking, you will develop a range of practical, technical and thinking skills. Here are 6 in-demand skills to boost your resume for 2022:

#1 Programming (C, Python)

Write clean and efficient code following best practices. Start with 0s and 1s, develop your skills in C, explore Python and learn how to learn new languages.

#2 Computational Thinking

You'll learn how to analyse & break down problems and develop possible solutions so we can present these solutions in a way that computer can understand.

#3 Algorithms

Understand computational problems and consider possible solutions by following a scientific approach to designing and choosing algorithms

#4 Testing and Debugging

Appreciate and implement test driven development, develop strategies and mental resilience for debugging.

#5 Microprocessors

You'll learn how a computer interprets instructions from processors to modern programming languages.

#6 Professional Practice and Ethics

Understand how to communicate the functioning of complex codes in collaboration with peers.

What next?

Ready to take your resume to the next level? Why not make the move and kickstart your Computer Science journey with CS101 powered by OpenLearning. For more information, download our CS101 Course Syllabus:
